Category Archives: I forgot to add tags again

New Address!

February 24, 2014

Hi, and thanks for visiting Shoes & Pie! I apologize for the forest of odd characters which are now scattered throughout the blog. They are a side-effect of a recent server migration, and I don’t understand it, either. Try to think of it as a Jumble puzzle as you read.

Some of you know that I’ve been working on updating (ahem, upgrading)—which has historically been my business-only site—as part of this server switch. A segment of the site update has been moving Shoes & Pie over there to simplify  things for everyone. As of last night, all of the Shoes & Pie content (weird characters and all) have been duplicated over there, and while will remain online for the foreseeable future, I will no longer be posting at this address.

::era ends, Taps plays::

I invite you to re-direct your feed subscriptions to so you don’t miss any future posts, and I apologize in advance because I’m still very much messing around with finessing the layout over there so the actual RSS address may be in flux.

I look forward to seeing you at the new address!

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Filed under I forgot to add tags again, Shoot