Monthly Archives: October 2011

Deep Thoughts: Scaredy Cat Halloween Edition

People talk about something or other “scaring the shit out of” you. Does it ever work in reverse? Because the whitishy kitty just ran OUT of the litterbox and up the stairs past me, with his tail all apouf. The aforementioned poo is in its rightful place.

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Filed under amusement, pets

The bits you DON’T see.

After a weekend spent mostly eating cake and being taught a few new piping tricks, I had a craving I couldn’t shake when I finally got home yesterday. So, new decorating tips purchased. Fresh cake baked. As per usual, I can’t get the texture right, but it’s good enough. The part I really care about is the frosting: my first attempt at a Swiss buttercream. Using the recipe and tutorial from Smitten Kitchen, the experience is easy-peasy and problem free.

Except for one thing. One not-so-tiny thing.

In my jet-lagged haze, I used salted butter.

And so the beautiful, silky frosting is dumped, the cake layers are wrapped in wax paper and tucked into the freezer. There’s always tomorrow.

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Filed under food, vacation

Jiggity Jog

Okay, the flight I’m on is at o’ dark early, requiring me to get up at 4am, but I’ll get home before noon. I’ll get stuff done! Swing by the restaurant supply store for an angled spatula thingie and some new decorating tips. Bake a cake. Pack the shop orders that came in over the weekend. Sear some tuna later for dinner. It’ll be great!

4am where I started is 2am here at home, and I’m hungry so gratefully grab lunch with my gracious airport shuttle friend and now it’s 1:30 and zzzzzzzzzz…

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Filed under family, friends, vacation